Harvard-bound! Jenny accepts Post-Doc with Harvard BIONICs Lab
We’re thrilled for Jenny Leestma for accepting a post-doc position in the Harvard BIONICs Lab! She’ll be working under the guidance of Dr. Shriya Srinivasan starting this fall. PoWeR Lab won’t feel the same without her but we wish Jenny…
Department Feature: 1,000 Steps for 100 Days in High Heels May Help Improve Walking
Shoutout to Jordyn Schroeder and Owen Beck for getting a department feature from the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering!
New Paper: Estimating Human CoM during Perturbed Walking Using Wearable Sensors
Congrats to Jenny Leestma and Courtney Smith for the acceptance of their paper in Annals of Biomedical Engineering! This study explores the ability of simulated wearable sensor-driven models to rapidly estimate COM state during steady state and perturbed walking, spanning…
That’s PROFESSOR to you: Congrats, Prof. Greg!
Huge congrats to Dr. Greg Sawicki for his appointment to full Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Biological Sciences! Go Prof. Sawicki!
Georgia Tech Partners on $15M NSF Grant to Explore Muscle Dynamics
Congrats to Greg and other affiliated PIs for being awarded NSF funding for IMSI: The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded $15 million to an interdisciplinary team spanning 21 institutions across the country. The six-year funding will support the Integrative Movement…
New paper: Hip exoskeleton design and validation for balance modulation
We’re excited to share our new paper, “Dynamic Duo: Design and Validation of an Autonomous Frontal and Sagittal Actuating Hip Exoskeleton for Balance Modulation During Perturbed Locomotion,” published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters today. In this work, we present…
Washington Post Feature + New Paper: Could wearing high heels be good for you?
Check out WaPo’s feature on Jordyn’s project investigating the effects of different footwear on walking economy.
Kinsey in the Spotlight! Atlanta News First features exoskeleton research
Check out Atlanta News First’s new piece highlighting the awesome work of our very own Kinsey Herrin and the EPIC lab featuring exoskeletons developed in the labs!
Balance perturbation study makes JEB’s Shortlist for Outstanding Paper Prize
Jenny Leestma’s study investigating how people recover balance after stumbling is highlighted in the Journal of Experimental Biology Outstanding Paper prize shortlist. Congrats, team!
Jenny wins big in CRIDC poster competition!
Congrats to Jenny Leestma for winning an award of $2000 in the Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference! Jenny plans to use the Executive VP for Research Award to fund her travels to the International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and…