
Petit Institute Seed Grant

Jul 24, 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Greg Sawicki and Dr. Tim Cope for being awarded one of three 2019 Petit Institute Seed Grants! Their proposal, entitled “Modifying musculotendon neuromechanics to improve proprioception in aging,” aims to understand how changes with age in muscle…

Georgia Tech Robotics Summer Scholars

Georgia Tech Robotics Summer Scholars

Jul 19, 2019

Last week we had high school students from all over Atlanta participate in the first annual Georgia Tech Robotics Summer Scholars program. EPIC, PoWeR, and DART lab undergraduate and graduate students all served as instructors and helped the scholars design,…

4 Project ENGAGES Students Join PoWeR Lab

4 Project ENGAGES Students Join PoWeR Lab

Jun 28, 2019

We are pleased to welcome 4 students from Atlanta high schools into the PoWeR Lab as part of a year-long research program (Project ENGAGES). Esmeralda Vazquez, Wendy Nevarez-Sanchez, Jeremiah Newman, and Zachary White will be mentored by Pawel Golyski, Ben…

CAREN is Up and Running

CAREN is Up and Running

Jun 28, 2019

The newest piece of equipment for the PoWeR and EPIC labs is officially ready for use! The Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN) is a virtual reality environment complete with a 6 degree of freedom platform, split belt instrumented treadmill, 180…


PoWeR Lab NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Apr 11, 2019

The PoWeR Lab had a great outcome from the NSF GRFP this cycle – second-year Mechanical Engineering PhD student Jordyn Schroeder received an Honorable Mention, and second-year BioEngineering PhD student Pawel Golyski received a Fellowship! Congratulations to both!

PoWeR @ Atlanta Science Festival

PoWeR @ Atlanta Science Festival

Mar 26, 2019

The PoWeR Lab was out in force for the 2019 Atlanta Science Festival. It was great to have over 100 families over to our research space from all over Atlanta and talk about exoskeletons, prostheses, motion capture, ultrasound, and biomechanics!…

HipEE Arrives!

HipEE Arrives!

Nov 14, 2018

Thanks to our colleagues at the Stanford Biomechatronics Lab we have a brand new hip end effector for our Humotech system! This will help us explore how best to assist the hip during locomotion, and how that assistance influences muscle…

Carbon Fiber Insole Study Recruiting!

Carbon Fiber Insole Study Recruiting!

Oct 14, 2018

The PoWeR Lab is seeking volunteers for a study investigating whether carbon fiber insoles affect running mechanics and energy expenditure. If you are >18 years old, have run a 5k in under 25 mins, have no current musculoskeletal injury, and…



Sep 16, 2018

We now have a fantastic new VICON motion capture setup in our shared space with the EPIC Lab! This system, together with a robotic ramp and stair platform, movable in-ground force plates, and an instrumented treadmill will let us comprehensively…

HuMoTech @ PoWeR Lab

HuMoTech @ PoWeR Lab

Sep 7, 2018

The PoWeR Lab has a new cable-driven exoskeleton and prosthesis emulator from HuMoTech! Thanks to Josh and Carl for setting us up and teaching us the ropes! (Pun intended)