
New accepted article explaining structural and functional determinants of metabolic cost of locomotion

Aug 3, 2020

To better link muscle-tendon mechanics to energy expenditure, this investigation studied participants as they cyclically contracted their calf muscle in a manner that mimics key aspects of locomotion: constant cycle-average force and work. Overall, decreasing the fraction that the muscle…


Unpowered ankle exoskeletons make walking easier across walking speeds

Jun 16, 2020

Richard Nuckols, currently a postdoc at Harvard, and Greg Sawicki have published an article looking at the influence of unpowered ankle exoskeletons on metabolic cost across walking speeds. Check it out here!


PhD Student Jordyn Schroeder’s Statement to the Scientific Community – #ShutDownSTEM

Jun 10, 2020

Please read Jordyn’s statement on systemic racism. She tweeted about it here, and the statement itself can also be read here. Please stand with her and our lab in implementing the considerations and action items she put forward!


PoWeR Lab PhD Student Lindsey Trejo Interviewed for 1MWIS!

May 29, 2020

Congratulations to Lindsey Trejo for her awesome interview for 1 Million Women in STEM, whose goal is to provide role models for the next generation of girls! You can find the interview here.


Preprint on joint mechanics across speeds and slopes and how exoskeletons can help

Apr 8, 2020

Richard Nuckols, currently a postdoc at Harvard, has recently released a preprint describing the biological joint mechanics associated with walking and running across inclines. These results suggest different setting-specific approaches exoskeletons could use to make locomotion easier. Check out the…


Preprint examining the effect (or lack thereof) of carbon fiber insoles on running economy

Mar 2, 2020

Postdoc Owen Beck, PhD student Pawel Golyski, and PI Greg Sawicki have just released a preprint investigating the effects of carbon fiber shoe insoles on metabolic cost and ankle muscle mechanics. Spoiler: they didn’t find an appreciable effect of carbon…


New article on muscle mechanics during elastic ankle exoskeleton use

Feb 27, 2020

Richard Nuckols is first author on a new article in Scientific Reports looking at how ankle muscles change lengths during elastic ankle exoskeleton use. Check it out here!


New review paper on the exoskeleton expansion for walking and running

Feb 27, 2020

PI Greg Sawicki, postdoc Owen Beck, EPIC lab PhD student Inseung Kang, and EPIC Lab PI Aaron Young recently published a review which explores the past, present, and future of exoskeletons in light of metabolic cost reductions. Check it out…


Jordyn Schroeder and Laksh Kumar Punith Featured in Georgia Tech PACE Newsletter

Feb 7, 2020

Congratulations to Jordyn and Laksh for being featured in the Winter 2020 Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment (PACE) newsletter! Both PhD students have used the Georgia Tech supercomputing resources for their projects. Laksh is interested in understanding how muscle-tendon…


Project ENGAGES Student Wendy Nevarez-Sanchez Wins Spot at International Science and Engineering Fair!

Feb 7, 2020

Congratulations to Wendy Nevarez-Sanchez for winning a spot at the 2020 Internation Science and Engineering Fair held in Anaheim, CA!  A high schooler from South Atlanta High School, Wendy has been involved with Project ENGAGES since May of 2019. With…