Adding Carbon Fiber To Shoe Insoles May Not Improve Running Economy
PoWeR Lab postdoc Owen Beck is first author of a paper describing how carbon fiber insoles may not improve running economy. Together with PI Greg Sawicki and 4th year PhD…
PoWeR Lab postdoc Owen Beck is first author of a paper describing how carbon fiber insoles may not improve running economy. Together with PI Greg Sawicki and 4th year PhD…
Congratulations to 4th year PhD student Jordyn Schroeder and PI Greg Sawicki for their funded NIH R01 Research Supplement to their parent grant, "Dynamic imaging to guide wearable robotic intervention…
The Diversity Virtual Event held at the 2020 Virtual American Society of Biomechanics Meeting has been posted and is available here. Jordyn Schroeder, 4th year PhD student in the PoWeR…
Congratulations to 3rd-year PoWeR Lab PhD student Lindsey Trejo for winning a fellowship through the Sloan Minority Ph.D. Program (MPHD)! This award will fund her travel and professional development throughout…
To better link muscle-tendon mechanics to energy expenditure, this investigation studied participants as they cyclically contracted their calf muscle in a manner that mimics key aspects of locomotion: constant cycle-average…
Richard Nuckols, currently a postdoc at Harvard, and Greg Sawicki have published an article looking at the influence of unpowered ankle exoskeletons on metabolic cost across walking speeds. Check it…
Please read Jordyn's statement on systemic racism. She tweeted about it here, and the statement itself can also be read here. Please stand with her and our lab in implementing…
Congratulations to Lindsey Trejo for her awesome interview for 1 Million Women in STEM, whose goal is to provide role models for the next generation of girls! You can find…
Richard Nuckols, currently a postdoc at Harvard, has recently released a preprint describing the biological joint mechanics associated with walking and running across inclines. These results suggest different setting-specific approaches…
Postdoc Owen Beck, PhD student Pawel Golyski, and PI Greg Sawicki have just released a preprint investigating the effects of carbon fiber shoe insoles on metabolic cost and ankle muscle…