Dynamic Walking 2021 abstracts due 4/20!
Dynamic Walking 2021 is scheduled for 5/20, 6/11, and 7/15 as three half-day virtual episodes. The website for this conference is:
Congratulations to Jonathan Gosyne for his podium presentation at the American Physical Society!
Jonathan Gosyne presented his work entitled “Optimizing Contact Area and Joint Stiffness of a Passive Foot-Ankle Exoskeleton for Locomotion on Deformable Terrain” in the Legged Locomotion session of the American Physical Society March Meeting 2021. He described his simulation studies…
Jonathan Gosyne and Greg Sawicki Win Loadsol National Biomechanics Day 2021 Contest!
Congratulations to Jonathan Gosyne and Greg Sawicki for winning the remote learning and tele-application loadsol contest sponsored by Novel. Their entry focused on development of a foot-ankle exoskeleton for remote characterization and optimization of locomotion in deformable and dissipative terrain.…
PoWeR ENGAGES student Wendy Nevarez-Sanchez at Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair!
Congratulations to Project ENGAGES student Wendy Nevarez-Sanchez for making it to the Regeneron 2021 International Science and Engineering Fair! She will be presenting her work on exoskeleton optimization strategies. She has been mentored over the last 2 years by EPIC…
PoWeR ENGAGES student Zachary White earns Valedictorian of his class and has been offered a spot in the incoming class at Georgia Tech!
Congratulations to Zach who has been mentored by PoWeR Lab PhD student Jordyn Schroeder over the last 2 years. He has been named Valedictorian of his class at the BEST Academy and has been offered a spot in the incoming…
Luis Rosa Awarded a RISE Fellowship!
Congratulations to PhD student Luis Rosa for earning a Retaining Inspirational Students in Technology and Engineering (RISE) Scholarship. This award is given to students who display persistence within their engineering program, leadership, and service. Through the scholarship program, Luis will…
Plantarflexor mechanics of falling in holes features in New Scientist
The article recently published by Taylor Dick, Christofer Clemente, Laksh Punith and Greg Sawicki has been featured on New Scientist! You can read that article here, and the original journal article here!
Neuromechanics and energetics of walking with an ankle exoskeleton using neuromuscular-model based control: a parameter study
Congratulations to PoWeR and EPIC Lab PhD student Ben Shafer lead author of “Neuromechanics and energetics of walking with an ankle exoskeleton using neuromuscular-model based control: a parameter study” for his paper published in the Bionics and Biomimetics section of…
Jenny Leestma, Jonthan Gosyne, and Max Shepherd Awarded Black Biomechanists Outreach Grant
Congratulations to PoWeR Lab PhD students Jenny Leestma and Jonathan Gosyne with PoWeR Lab Postdoc Max Shepherd for being awarded the Black Biomechanists Outreach Grant for National Biomechanics Day. This funding will enable Jenny, Jonathan, and Max to put on…
Series elasticity facilitates safe soleus muscle-tendon shock absorption during perturbed human hopping
In our everyday lives, we negotiate complex and unpredictable environments. Yet much of our knowledge regarding locomotion has come from studies conducted under steady-state conditions. We have previously shown that humans rely on the ankle joint to absorb energy and…