
Lindsey Trejo Wins Georgia Tech CRIDC Travel Grant!

Jan 29, 2020

2nd year PhD student Lindsey Trejo won the Executive Vice President of Research’s Travel Award for her poster presentation at the 2020 Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference at Georgia Tech. Her poster describes how an elastic ankle exoskeleton could…


Interactions between elastic ankle exoskeleton stiffness and walking speed

Jan 28, 2020

Previous PoWeR Lab PhD student and current postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard, Richard Nuckols, is first author of a preprint that explores the interaction of ankle exoskeletons stiffness, muscle activation, and walking speed. Check it out here!


Explaining why springy ankle exoskeletons might make walking easier

Jan 21, 2020

Previous PoWeR Lab PhD student and current postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard, Richard Nuckols, is first author of a preprint that dives into the mechanism by which elastic ankle exoskeletons may reduce the metabolic cost of walking. This work describes…


We also cook a mean chili!

Nov 6, 2019

The PoWeR Lab and friends had a strong showing at this year’s Chomp and Stomp Chili Festival! Team PoWeR Chomp cooked 7.5 gallons of pork chili (Pork PoWeR-Up) and 12 gallons of mushroom chili (PoWeR Shroom). Jordyn’s mushroom chili was…


Falling in Holes According to the PoWeR Lab

Oct 2, 2019

Congratulations to former PoWeR Lab Postdoc Taylor Dick and current PhD student Laksh Punith for their new paper on how limb mechanics help us deal with unexpected perturbations. Check out the paper here.


PoWeR and EPIC labs featured in Georgia Tech Mechanical Engineering News

Sep 26, 2019

The PoWeR and EPIC labs have been featured in an article from the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. The article highlights the different approaches of both labs as well as the wearable robots we develop and use.…


September 2019 Publication Update

Sep 20, 2019

Three papers have been recently published by our lab. Postdoc Emily Abbott, Postdoc Owen Beck, and former Postdoc and now Lecturer at University of Queensland Taylor Dick are first authors of the following articles currently In Press: Dick TJM, Punith…


PhD Student Jordyn Schroeder Awarded a Sloan Fellowship!

Sep 9, 2019

Congratulations to 3rd-year PoWeR Lab PhD student Jordyn Schroeder for winning a fellowship through the Sloan Minority Ph.D. Program (MPHD)! This award will fund her travel and professional development throughout her PhD program.


Dr. Owen Beck Awarded an NIH F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship!

Aug 23, 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Owen Beck, a post-doctoral fellow in the PoWeR Lab, for being awarded an F32 (postdoctoral fellowship) from the National Institutes of Health! This award will fund Owen for 2 years while he performs his funded research project:…


Dr. Greg Sawicki Featured on Closer Look with Rose Scott

Aug 23, 2019

Dr. Sawicki spoke with Rose Scott from Atlanta Public Radio about the PoWeR Lab’s research, the joint PoWeR and EPIC lab space, and the future of wearable robotics. Check it out here!