Dynamic Walking 2021 abstracts due 4/20!

Dynamic Walking 2021 is scheduled for 5/20, 6/11, and 7/15 as three half-day virtual episodes. The website for this conference is: https://www.dynamicwalking2021.org/

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Luis Rosa Awarded a RISE Fellowship!

Congratulations to PhD student Luis Rosa for earning a Retaining Inspirational Students in Technology and Engineering (RISE) Scholarship. This award is given to students who display persistence within their engineering…

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Neuromechanics and energetics of walking with an ankle exoskeleton using neuromuscular-model based control: a parameter study

Congratulations to PoWeR and EPIC Lab PhD student Ben Shafer lead author of “Neuromechanics and energetics of walking with an ankle exoskeleton using neuromuscular-model based control: a parameter study” for…

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